Investing in health or spending on illness?
What is most important to you: investing in health or spending on disease?
Investing in health sounds strange to many. What do you mean, investing in health? I already pay the health plan to not worry about possible future eventualities. The Government, the State is the one who should invest. We pay dearly in our health plans, so they are the ones who should invest, not us.
These are just some of the answers I hear when I ask the question: what is most important for you: investing in health or spending on illness?
There is a peculiarity in the human being that is to lock the door only after it has been broken into. After that, you pay for home insurance, car insurance, life insurance, cell phone insurance and so on. You pay for the health plan, which is actually a health plan, because you only look for the doctor when you are sick. They complained about waiting lines in public hospitals.
Today, these lines are already being complained about in private hospitals. We hear about the development of science, advances in diagnostic medicine, and new technologies in the medical field. We hear about the increase in life expectancy of the world population and especially here in Brazil.
Have you ever stopped to think about how Brazilians’ health is doing?
Research warns
Valéria França, in a special report for the State on 17.7.14, therefore almost four years ago already made a warning: Overcrowding should worsen with the aging of the population and Brazil will not have recourse to guarantee universal assistance.Research reveals that diabetes in Brazil has grown 61.8% in 10 years.
These are just two calls from many that go unnoticed. Have you noticed that the rate of Obesity, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Attention Deficit, and Hyperactivity has increased alarmingly?
It’s not just that they are better diagnosed, no. The rate of these diseases is growing every day. These diseases are called Chronic Degenerative Diseases. But for now it is only happening in the neighbor’s house. Is it?
Principle of Pleasure X Principle of Reality
Another particularity of the human being is to seek pleasure, to stay in the comfort zone. All that concerns changes in lifestyle habits is boring, very difficult, requires effort. Yes, all this is true, I will not deny it. Leaving the door open makes it easier for the thief to enter, putting the lock only after he has made the drag can generate many losses and pain, much greater than the money spent on the lock.
Not investing in health today can lead to spend with medication, have a limited life, with pain, not being able to take the grandchild in your lap, sit on the floor to play with him. Not having motivation to go out with friends because life no longer has flavor, except for pain and boredom.
Not to mention those who are submitted to extremely traumatic surgeries, chemotherapy, hemodialysis, amputation of limbs as a consequence of diseases not prevented and badly treated, because the body can no longer answer for weakness and lack of immunity.
In the era of knowledge the human being perishes for lack of knowledge, in fact, for lack of knowledge in relation to what is really important. He is eager for all that will yield pleasure, here and now. He has no prospect of the future, only the present.
He lives in a virtual world, he feels like the hero of his own history. Believes that your life is an eternal video game that restores your life as many times as you want, just restart the game. Believes it has the power, just think, manipulate the buttons and everything happens as you want.
The power of your choices about your health
The human being, unfortunately, is starting to pay dearly for not knowing how to make choices. From superhero in his virtual game is becoming the court jester in real life. Manipulated by the game of power and interests and worse, feeling over.
Chronic Degenerative Diseases are killing the population silently. They are undermining the health and taking away the freedom and independence of those who suffer them. If that were not enough, they interfere in family life as a whole. They affect physical and emotional health, finances, family and social relationships. They interfere in the quality of life of the bearer and those who relate to him.